The Cookie Technique

A foolproof* way to woo a woman —

The cookie technique is an ancient art

To foster love in lover’s heart.

Bake a cookie or fourteen

To woo the soul and be seen.

Take the cookies and say to her

“I made some cookies as it were,

I’ll bring them over when you’re free”

Then you wait, let her agree.

If she says “Sweet, I’ll see you soon!”

Quit acting like a lovestruck baboon.

Take the cookies with love devout,

And fella’, ask that girl out.

If she says “Sorry, no, I’d rather not,”

Take those cookies that you had brought

Eat them all but don’t make a scene

Eat them one, then two, then fourteen.

The cookie technique is an ancient art

To foster love in lover’s heart,

But should her heart not yet be won,

Boy, you eat those cookies, son!

Such an art works better on men,

Good food can make any girl a ten.

Regardless of who you wish to woo,

The cookie technique will always come through. 

*this method has not yet been tested


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